Metaglossia: The Translation World
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Metaglossia: The Translation World
News about translation, interpreting, intercultural communication, terminology and lexicography - as it happens
Curated by Charles Tiayon
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Avanza proyecto para activar traductor maya en Internet

Antes de que concluya el año el traductor estará cargado con más de 10,000 oraciones.


José María Morelos, QRoo.- Microsoft México suscribió el pasado 25 de septiembre con el gobierno de Quintana Roo y la Universidad Intercultural Maya los convenios general y específico “Elevemos México”, para poner en funcionamiento el primer traductor “Microsoft Translator Hub-Maya”.

Antes de finalice el año el traductor estará cargado con más de 10,000 oraciones, con lo cual Quintana Roo será ejemplo a seguir en otras entidades de la República en este tipo de proyectos.

El secretario de Desarrollo Económico en el estado, Javier Díaz Carvajal, firmó el convenio con Erick Stephen Menéndez, director nacional de Tecnología Microsoft México; Kristin Tolle, directora de Investigación de Microsoft y Francisco Javier Rosado May, rector de la Universidad Intercultural Maya de Quintana Roo, entre otros.

El funcionario estatal explicó que el traductor es una herramienta que implementa un modelo de autoservicio para la construcción de una plataforma de traducción automática directa entre dos lenguas.!
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Prochaines priorités de Firefall : le monde ouvert et la localisation - Firefall - JeuxOnLine

Les équipes de Fire Fall initient le développement d'une nouvelle mise à jour. Au programme, elle doit permettre de dynamiser l'univers persistant du shooter et initier notamment sa traduction en français....!
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TM-Europe 2012 | TM-Europe

Dear Colleagues,
TM-Europe 2012 is scheduled to be held on 4 - 5 October 2012, in Warsaw, Poland.
The conference will traditionally focus on management issues for the translation and localisation industry, with particular emphasis on new business models and technology.
The theme for TM-Europe 2012 is ‘The Future of Translation and Localisation’. The industry is currently undergoing major changes which offer great opportunities but also pose serious threats to traditional business models. Many new developments and business factors are changing the translation and localization industry of today - from social media, auction based purchasing, cloud computing, machine translation to crowdsourcing etc. TM-Europe 2012 will focus on these topics as well as some technology and management case studies and panel discussions on the best models for embracing tomorrow’s challenges. The final Warsaw Pact Debate will discuss the pros and cons of adopting different strategies, as well as alternative visions of the future of the translation and localization business.!
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Traductor maya: El desarrollo absurdo de Microsoft

CIUDAD DE BUENOS AIRES (Urgente24) - Un nuevo desarrollo sin sentido muestra la verdadera cara de Microsoft (una vez más): Microsoft, la más importante desarrolladora de software en el mundo incorporará a traductores como Google la lengua maya, por ser un idioma que despertado gran interés mundial por su legado cultural y la aportación hecha a la humanidad.

En otras palabras, el nuevo desarrollo de los de Redmond está apuntado claramente al marketing más que al desarrollo de buenos productos. Más claro: propaganda.

Y la propaganda no es precisamente de algo que pueda llegar a ser constructivo, sino que remite más bien a una profecía apocalíptica del "fin de los tiempos" maya, tan de moda en estos días.

El gobernador de Quintana Roo (México), Roberto Borge Angulo remarcó esta acción como parte de los convenios firmados con la firma Microsoft para el empleo de herramientas tecnológicas que dará enorme proyección al “Mundo Maya”, por ser un destino que cada día capta nuevos mercados y crece en la preferencia de turistas que gustan de la cultura y de temas de gran misticismo.

Puntualizó que con el apoyo de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico (Sede) se trabaja en un acuerdo para cargar en uno de los motores de traducción más usados en internet, como es Google, más de 100,000 elementos del idioma maya que, en una primera etapa, serán traducidos al español y luego a otros idiomas.

La intención, subrayó, es que a principios del 2013 esos elementos estén traducidos además al alemán, ruso, francés e inglés, que son las naciones que más interés tienen en el maya.

En mayo pasado, recordó, Microsoft International realizó en la Riviera Maya un congreso de alcance mundial con la participación de investigadores y científicos y anunció una inversión de US$ 20 millones para el desarrollo de un software para el sector turístico, educativo y empresarial.

Con la firma del acuerdo se hicieron compromisos para que Quintana Roo forme parte de la iniciativa “Elevemos México”, cuyo objetivo es impulsar el desarrollo y elevar la competitividad del país, así como destacar sus cualidades y atractivos.!
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Presentará Microsoft motor de traducción al maya

Chetumal, QR.- La empresa Microsoft acordó incorporar a Google la traducción de 100 mil elementos del maya al español, en una primera etapa, dado que el plan es hacerlo en otros idiomas y contribuir a la proyección del Mundo Maya.

Javier Díaz Carvajal, secretario de Desarrollo Económico, informó que el gobierno de Quintana Roo convino con esta empresa la incorporación de un primer paquete de elementos, con el apoyo de becarios de la Universidad Intercultural Maya, quienes harán la traducción del maya al español.

Explicó que tendrá aplicaciones multimedia en audio, video y para teléfonos móviles.

“Con el empleo de herramientas tecnológicas y el apoyo de los convenios firmados con la empresa internacional Microsoft, la lengua maya será incorporada a traductores como Google, lo que dará enorme proyección al Mundo Maya en Quintana Roo”, insistió.

En mayo pasado, Microsoft International realizó en la Riviera Maya un congreso de alcance mundial con la participación de investigadores y científicos y anunció una inversión de 20 millones de dólares para el desarrollo de un software para el sector turístico, educativo y empresarial, apuntó.!
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Google y Microsoft estarán disponibles en lengua maya

Trabajarán en conjunto con la Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico para traducir en internet más de 100 mil elementos del dialecto.

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Foto: Especial

Cancún • El corporativo Microsoft Internacional aportará elementos técnicos y estructura digital en línea para incorporar la lengua maya a motores de búsqueda de internet, especialmente Google, lo que dará invaluable proyección a los proyectos de Mundo Maya, anunció el gobernador Roberto Borge Angulo.

Este es resultado del congreso mundial auspiciado por Microsoft International en mayo pasado en la Riviera Maya, en el que participaron investigadores y científicos de todas las naciones y se anunció una inversión de 20 millones de dólares para un software destinado al turismo, educación y negocios.

Borge explicó que durante el evento el gobierno de Quintana Roo firmó un convenio para que la entidad fuera incluida en la iniciativa “Elevemos México”, promovida por Microsoft, para impulsar el desarrollo y elevar la competitividad con la incorporación y uso de tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones.!
angel eduardo salinas valdespino's curator insight, April 29, 2022 7:18 PM

buena inclusión para quienes hablan otra lengua

Bunch Translate: What is Localization ?

Do you know what localization is ? If so, you can probably stop reading, right now. If not, you might want to continue.

A lot of people think that localization is just a fancy name for translation, but it is not.

So what is it ?

Localization is making a product linguistically ready for a specific locale.

Locale is another word for: specific geographic market.

It is important to note that it is about a product, and not just a text. Translation is about text, and localization is about an entire product. What is usually meant by product is: software product.

Localization entails making terms, phrases, words, dates, figures, icons, buttons, functions, and even colors specific to a locale.

Did you know that the color white often signifies death in Asian cultures ? Do you still want your product to be white, or do you want to choose a different color that does not signify death in that locale ? Did you know that that icon of a finger pointing looks really good in America, but is offensive in Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, and China ? Do you still want it to point, or do you want to change it to something less offensive ?!
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Bayan Tech delivers translation in all of Middle Eastern and African languages-694-en

Bayan Tech delivers translation in all of Middle Eastern and African languages and on top of the list “Arabic Localization”.

People often request Arabic translation (Localization), when they really need both translation and desktop publishing (DTP). Translation converts a source language into a target language, i.e., English into Arabic. Desktop publishing formats the Arabic language document to match the source language document in terms of fonts, overall layout, and graphics.

For Arabic and other bi-directional languages (i.e. Farsi, Hebrew) the DTP process involves both trying to maintain the overall look and feel of the source documents while redesigning the document in a right to left (RTL) format.

A wide variety of documents may require Arabic translation and DTP, including: marketing materials, instruction manuals, medical documents and labels, legal documents, books, magazines, and newsletters.

Different industries produce a variety of documents and each industry presents its own challenges. For example, software translation frequently requires related printed collateral to also be translated into Arabic. The medical industry mandates multilingual inserts and labels, which must be precisely translated and formatted according to industry-standard specifications in order to achieve accuracy and compliance with international regulations.

The Arabic language produces some additional challenges with right to left text display; table column order must be reversed from those displayed in western language versions.

Arabic document translation begins with a thorough review all source documentation for the total number of words, subject matter and formatting requirements. Source documents must then be imported into translation memory (TM) tools like Trados. The Arabic linguistic team will use in TM tools order to ensure consistent translation across all documents, manage terminology and achieve cost savings by leveraging the translation memory on 100% matches and repetitive text. Post-linguistic formatting is required for Arabic document translation; the translated Arabic text is imported into an appropriate desktop publishing application so translation agency DTP specialists can ensure that document formatting will mirror the original source document layout. Due to the right to left (RTL) text display required in Arabic, placement of all visual elements, (graphics, tables, pull quotes), must be reversed from the page location used in source western languages.!
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SAP continues localisation initiative in India - News

German software maker SAP has continued its efforts to localise products and services and has announced the launch of a Hindi version of its ERP solutions for the Indian government sector...!

Bullish on India, GE Energy embraces localisation path - The Economic Times

NEW DELHI: GE Energy is aggressively localising products to suit needs of the Indian market, which is growing at a faster clip than many other developed nations, its India chief has said.

Acknowledging that there are "some uncertainties" in the economy, the company -- part of American conglomerate GE -- noted that it would like things to happen more quickly.

"We clearly see a potential in the Indian market. We see a lot of promise in this country ... Indian market is still growing and at a pace better than many other developed parts of the world," GE Energy's India Region President & CEO Banmali Agrawala told PTI in an interview.

In June, GE India had announced plans to invest about Rs 1,100 crore to set up a new manufacturing facility in Pune that would develop products for the energy sector.

According to Agrawala, being more local and localising the products and offerings, is the way forward for the company.

"We are aggressively pursuing the path of localisation," he emphasised.

When asked about the overall investment climate in the country, Agrawala said there is a certain slowdown in overall investments that are happening.!
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Chinese Localization: 5 Tips for Effective Translation

If you’re looking to do business in China, translation alone won’t cut it – you'll need a broad Chinese localization strategy.!
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ABBYY is Joining Forces with Connective Language Services to Strengthen its Position in the US Translation and Localization Market

MILPITAS, Calif., Aug. 1, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- ABBYY®, a leading provider of document recognition, data capture,...!
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iProfessionals: Website and iMedia Localization Research Update

Website and iMedia Localization Research Update
iMedia Designers are much more aware now of the importance of localization of their interactive products to suit the global electronic market. Localization is the adaptation of an application to suit a culture other than that of the native source. This doesn’t just mean translating the language because a culture can affect the site’s intent, colour, layout, interaction, and graphics ... among other factors.!
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HT Localization Kicks-Off New Blog: Language Translations for Real Life Series

HT Localization, a translation agency announced their new blog Language Translations for Real Life Series - a series of articles articulating multi-lingual influences on the modern life.!
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Translation, Localisation, Interpreting and Website Translation Articles

Articles about language translation services, localization, website translation, being an translator or interpreter and translation terminology.!
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MyThaiTranslators Completed Translation and Localization of Web Shop for Australian Business Marketing Agency -

MyThaiTranslators Completed Translation and Localization of Web Shop for Australian Business Marketing Agency - on!
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Localization As Important As Translation When Dealing with Brazilian Telecom Market

Whilst many nations around the world struggle to find their feet in the wake of the global economic crisis, Brazil has bucked the trend and is fast becoming one of the most desirable nations to do business.!
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Single-Source Authoring and Translation: Implications and Risks « Translation Wire

Advanced Language Translation’s Account Executive, Elena Dunne, offers an excellent overview of the possible impact of a single-source authoring strategy on translation efforts.

The most significant change in the field of technical communication in the recent decade has been the shift from authoring documents to authoring content. This shift is the response to the challenges and changes to product development, new technology and business environment. Single-sourcing is an approach that is the result of this shift to authoring content. It allows technical communicators to resolve problems such as reusability of content, maximizing consistency within the content, centralizing authoring process and content management, and decreasing format dependence through separation of form and content.

There are many implications for translation and localization of content created in structured and single-sourcing frameworks. The first set of issues is more political than anything else. Translation and localization teams are typically not involved in strategic planning of product development, so, when a development methodology such as agile or lean is adopted, the risks that it introduces to the content authoring and localization stages are not necessarily considered. For example, the frequent changes are considered a normal part of agile software development, but budget and schedule adjustments are not made to accommodate these changes to the content in one or more languages. Or, proper procedures are not used to communicate these changes to technical communication and/or localization teams; thereby increasing the risk that the resulting documentation will be inconsistent with the final product or service in one or more languages involved.!
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Localization guide

Localization means more than just translation: remember to adapt your site to the local culture and tone of voice, not just translate your content word-for-word. Professional translators who are native speakers in the target language can help you tailor your message. Also, don't forget about regional language varieties: Spanish in Spain and Mexico are, for example, quite different. In this case, you may want to create different translations for each country.!
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3rd International XLIFF Symposium, a track of FEISGILTT 2012

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The 3rd XLIFF Symposium will take place on October 16-17 2012, in Seattle,
and it will be BIG due to its official collocation with Localization World, Seattle 2012!

This year, the traditionally successful XLIFF Symposium will be integrated as a Track in FEISGILTT 2012, a new Federated Event dedicated to Interoperability Standardization in Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, and Translation Technologies. FEISGILT and hence XLIFF Symposium are collocated with the leading industry conference in the Localization space, Localization World.

Registration for both days of the Symposium (and FEISGILTT) will be through Localization World, stay tuned for further details.

The Symposium builds on success of the 1st and 2nd XLIFF Symposia which were both held in Europe, 1st as LRC XV preconference, and the 2nd as TM Europe 2011 preconference.

We have introduced the following active participation formats:!
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Michael Anobile on the History and Development of the Localization Industry « T for Translation – Life, the Times, and Localization at CSOFT International

Michael Anobile is a founding member and former Director of LISA (Localization Industry Standards Association) with over 35 years of experience in international marketing communications. After relocating his family to Switzerland in 1980 to become European Training Manager for Exxon Office Systems, he subsequently held a number of European and Swiss senior management and marketing positions in the field of language-technology and global business development.

A few weeks ago, CSOFT held its 9th Annual World Summit, inviting guest speakers, industry experts and localization professionals from all over the world to engage in a series of presentations and discussions with the aim of mutual learning and sharing of industry knowledge. We were fortunate enough to have Michael Anobile present on “The History, Evolution, and Future of the Localization Business.” Michael graciously agreed to answer questions on some of the more poignant matters from his presentation, so check out the interview between Ross (CSOFT Marketing Writer) and Michael below, and prepare to be educated!!
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Acclaro Announces an Educational Series Featuring Money-Saving Tips for Translation Projects | Virtual-Strategy Magazine

Businesses can obtain insider techniques for reducing their localization and translation budgets via cost-saving tool kits, blog episodes and more. | Virtual Strategy Magazine is an online publication devoted entirely to virtualization technologies.!
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Burger Localization

As almost every company who sells products or services in multiple countries knows, localization is a very important part of an international marketing...!
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Language translation and localisation challenges for the pharmaceutical industry in the EU : Babblefish

A manufacturer cannot apply for a drug registration without submitting the relevant translated and properly localised versions of these documents to the European or national regulatory authorities.

Language translation and localisation challenges for pharmaceutical industry in the EU

23 official EU languages

Pharmaceutical companies manufacturing within the boundaries of the European Union need to make the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC), the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL), and the packaging and labelling texts available in up to the 23 official languages of the European Union.!
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