Bootstrap and Moodle – Gradebook tweak! | moodle3 |
Bootstrap themes have been available for Moodle for a while now, and a small issue was there that I had not seen before – until a lecturer wondered why they could not see grades in the gradebook that should have been there.

As it is that time of year that many are dealing with end of semester grades, I thought I should pass along the solution for you if you have not known about it.

** Please note that this may not effect your site depending on the version of Moodle and if you are using a Bootstrap theme.

The issue is this:

When a teacher hides a grade from students it got a class=’hidden’ applied. Themes before bootstrap ignored it as they did not have a style for it. However bootstrap base, and therefore themes like Clean etc did have a style of it namely:


So instead of showing grey-ed out, or showing normally, the hidden grades vanished on the interface for the teacher as in the screenshots below.

Via Miloš Bajčetić