Infographic: The Astounding Power Of Pinterest | Infographics and Social Media |
In our upcoming October design issue, one of the many fascinating feature stories we’ve lined up is a lengthy profile of Pinterest and its elusive CEO, Ben Silbermann.


That story goes live later this week, but until then, here's an infographic about Pinterest, created by Fast Company's staff and designed by our own Ted Keller.


In this profusion of figures, you find out a few, key things about the image-sharing service. For one, it’s dominated by women. Second, something about its layout and culture stokes an enormous buying impulse. And third, major brands are getting in on the act. It’s not a stretch to say that soon, at least on retail sites, a Pinterest button might become as ubiquitous as a Facebook Like. Check out the infographic, or tour the major findings in the accompanying slide show...

Via Lauren Moss