Ecom Revolution
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All you need to know about repricing on Amazon and eBay: how to get started, differences between marketplaces, the "race to the bottom" and repricing tools.

Marty Note
Price arbitrage is TOUGH. If you are an online merchant you need to stay within reaching distance of Amazon or lose more than a sale - you can lose credibility too. You can't beat Amazon, but there are great tools in this post that will help you "price arbitrage" too.

If you are on online merchant, you need to read this post since PRICE is more than PRICE. Price helps create your online brand too. Here are strategies I used to defeat the Amazon price arbitrage monster:

* Created merchandising bundles that were unique to us. 
* Made sure to check Amazon in 3 ways (front door, email and price comparison engines). 
* Hired Scott Wingo's company Channel Advisor to help structure feeds. 
* Gave free gifts with each purchase. 

Hope you can find ways to beat the monster too.!
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Martin (Marty) Smith