Ecom Revolution
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You might have heard the old sales saying, "Buyers are liars." Are buyers liars or is something else going on? Let's get to the bottom of this issue.
Martin (Marty) Smith:

Buyers and Sellers

We agree with @Cendrine Marrouat - Neither buyers who have a tendency to walk differently than they talk nor sellers who talk differently than they walk are "liars". 

How we see the world is contextual and instinctual. In some context I'm a buyer, at other times I sell.  I think of myself as a marketer so my self-definition falls more in the "sales" category than buyer

Cendrine's cal for "walking in the others' shoes" empathy is smart and rare. We tend to see the world filtered bubbled (see Eli Pariser's TED Talk on filter bubbles). It's no mistake our preconceived notions are confirmed over and over again.  

This "auto-confirmation" built over time and "muscle memory" mean Martin as "seller" may appear dissonant to buyer persona X. Buyer persona X has as many auto-confirmations running as I do with one very big difference. Where my auto-confirmations are all about seeing myself as a sales / marketing person Buyer X's world is confirmed as BUYER.

Not to play the same broken record, but creating online community is the best way we know to create an "empathy bridge" between "buyer " and "seller" personas. Community features such as profiles, forums, comments, reviews and loyalty programs with social kudos make it easy to form "like me" tribes, establish "us" vs "them" identities and reinforce brand aligned and wanted behavior such a social shares. 

No one is a liar. Everyone  is telling their "truth" and smart web developers build in community to build "empathy bridges".!
Cendrine Marrouat -'s comment, February 28, 2016 1:10 AM
You hit the nail on the head, as always, @Martin (Marty) Smith!

Scoop it Creator

Martin (Marty) Smith