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Mad Science: The Treatment of Mental Illness Fails to Progress [Excerpt] - Scientific American

Mad Science: The Treatment of Mental Illness Fails to Progress [Excerpt] - Scientific American | Doctor Data |
Recent questions about the validity of diagnostic criteria for mental illness have raised deeper questions about the current state of psychiatry
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The Single Most Important Factor In Creating Joy

The Single Most Important Factor In Creating Joy | Doctor Data |
There are so many ways to heal, and the miracle of the Internet brings them all to our fingertips. Whether it\
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Mad Science: The Treatment of Mental Illness Fails to Progress [Excerpt] - Scientific American

Mad Science: The Treatment of Mental Illness Fails to Progress [Excerpt] - Scientific American | Doctor Data |
Recent questions about the validity of diagnostic criteria for mental illness have raised deeper questions about the current state of psychiatry
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Doctors' Spouses: What's Not to Like?

Doctors' Spouses: What's Not to Like? | Doctor Data |
When it comes to domestic life for physicians, things have changed since an oversexed and gory 1971 film with Gene Hackman called Doctors' Wives featured as one of its taglines, Doctors' wives have

Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

The advantage.....they can throw money at the problem.

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The Health Tradeoffs of Entrepreneurship

The Health Tradeoffs of Entrepreneurship | Doctor Data |
Nationwide, entrepreneurs tend to eat more healthful foods and exercise more than other workers. But they also have more stress and are less likely to have health insurance.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

I consider health insurance as one of the necessities of life so that is paid they same way as all my other monthly bills but when I had to travel to West Africa, the insurance did not cover the immunizatons or malaria prophylaxis. Somehow its is not considered important to prevent a major issue. "Not a Covered Benefit" is a problem with practically every insurance plan. This will not be changed to the better under the Affordable Care Act

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What Do Consumers and Doctors Need to Know About Opioid Dependence? |

What Do Consumers and Doctors Need to Know About Opioid Dependence? | | Doctor Data |
Opioid dependence (OD) is more common than many people realize and can happen to anyone – affecting adult men and women of all ages, races, ethnic g
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What doctors should look for in job seekers’ social media presence -

What doctors should look for in job seekers’ social media presence - | Doctor Data |
Medical practices can get information on potential employees from Facebook or Twitter, but they should know what to watch for and what’s off-limits.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

Dr. Grivois-Shah said Facebook is a good social media venue for his purposes because people post personal information about themselves. He said Twitter comments are too short to glean much information from, and LinkedIn is too benign.

With so many on social media, is it a red flag if a candidate has no social media presence? Cebulka said it could be seen as a negative that the candidate isn’t tech savvy enough to maintain a social media account.

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Patient satisfaction with health care hits two-decade high -

Patient satisfaction with health care hits two-decade high - | Doctor Data |
A renewed focus on the patient experience and efforts to improve quality of care are expected to raise scores even further.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

The patient client is now paying of the bill more and therefore demanding a better experience in the healthcare system. Heads up to doctors because office visits score well.

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What’s missing from many health apps — medical expertise -

What’s missing from many health apps — medical expertise - | Doctor Data |
The lead researcher of a study says apps have potential for improving pain management, but stricter oversight is needed. The FDA is considering some regulations.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

Many smartphone apps on the market offer tips, advice and treatments on how to deal with pain. But many are not backed by science or created with input from a medical professional.

27% of app had obvious input form an MD or DO.

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Clinicians Use 6.4 Different Mobile Devices Daily On Average

Clinicians Use 6.4 Different Mobile Devices Daily On Average | Doctor Data |
Mobile devices are everywhere in your healthcare organization, but without a complete solution in place, the strain on your IT staff can get out of control.
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An Unconventional Spin on the Traditional Work Place |

An Unconventional Spin on the Traditional Work Place | | Doctor Data |

A virtual office is the best of both worlds. 

Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

It gives you the face and the branding that you need to appear legitimate, but with the flexibility and capabilities to work virtually. You can still have a secretary, state-of-the-are conference rooms and a commercial address without a ton of overhead expense, all you need is a virtual office.

I love my virtual office in all respects except one: I love being around people and the virtual office lacks the casual interactions and needed distractions of interacting with others. Going to the coffee shop doesn't solve this issue because all the people in there are disconnected and in their own worlds. In other words, they have no relationship, comraderie or caring for each other that co-workers generally have.

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The Lies We Tell in the Exam Room

The Lies We Tell in the Exam Room | Doctor Data |
Doctors and patients are never supposed to lie directly to each other, but rare is the examining room where complete mutual honesty prevails.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

Patients regularly asked me to lie to get services covered by their insurance company or extra time off from work. I refused to participate in the fraud which made mosts of the askers quite upset with my ethical/moral stand.

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Doctors win first safe harbor against ACA use in liability suits -

Doctors win first safe harbor against ACA use in liability suits - | Doctor Data |
States and Congress are urged to pass legislation based on an AMA model bill to prevent health reform criteria from exposing doctors to medical liability.
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Make cost part of the conversation with patients -

Make cost part of the conversation with patients - | Doctor Data |
Some may hesitate to talk about financial issues with a doctor, while others want to spare no expense for their care.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

Some wanted to “get back at” insurance companies for the high costs they pay in insurance.

“One of the things we found is more expensive always means better to many patients when it comes to their own health care, even though that's not always true,” Dr. Dorr Goold said.

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Can We Stop A Traumatized Child From Becoming A Traumatized Adult?

Can We Stop A Traumatized Child From Becoming A Traumatized Adult? | Doctor Data |
Every day a child somewhere will suffer from abuse and neglect. Such trauma can inflict psychological and physical damage that appears when that child grows into an adult and lasts the rest of his life. New research from the Center for Disease Control's (CDC) Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study may finally point to a solution for the long-term effects of these "toxic" childhood exposures.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

Childhood trauma results in physiological changes in the brain. In order to stop the cycle, correction of the underlying physilogical brain changes must be part of the treatment and solution. Supplements, herbals and homeopathic remedies and nutritional support that changes the brain physiology must be consider ABOVE any pharmaceutical therapies.

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ESC: Statins May Protect Brain, Eyes

ESC: Statins May Protect Brain, Eyes | Doctor Data |
AMSTERDAM -- Statins might help prevent dementia and cataracts, according to two studies presented here.

Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

So are the negative side effects of statins worth it to try to prevent cataracts? Me thinks not when cataract surgery is done so quickly and easily with very few complications but the statin side effects can be terrible and long lasting

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Enhanced Medical Care for an Annual Fee

Enhanced Medical Care for an Annual Fee | Doctor Data |
The field of concierge medicine — typically, general practice physicians that charge premiums for personalized attention — has attracted patients who will pay for unfettered access to doctors.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

Typical NYTimes ending to this article. There are a few nice hybrid models like that of in which the yearly fee is very minmal and affordable to practically everyone (Somewhere around $199). We have used them in our family and it is great to get such personalized care same day.

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In Climbing Income Ladder, Location Matters

In Climbing Income Ladder, Location Matters | Doctor Data |
The odds of rising to another income level are notably low in certain cities, like Atlanta and Charlotte, and much higher in New York and Boston.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

The researchers concluded that larger tax credits for the poor and higher taxes on the affluent seemed to improve income mobility only slightly. The economists also found only modest or no correlation between mobility and the number of local colleges and their tuition rates or between mobility and the amount of extreme wealth in a region.

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Solving the Physician Shortage |

Solving the Physician Shortage | | Doctor Data |
Info graphic that talks about the physician shortage in the United States for primary care.
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The toll of Medicare's unfunded mandates -

The toll of Medicare's unfunded mandates - | Doctor Data |
Bureaucratic rules and other administrative burdens placed on physician practices accumulate, cutting into time to treat patients and costing practices money.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

“The road to hell is often paved with good intentions,” said C. Richard Schott, MD, a cardiologist who is president of the Pennsylvania Medical Society. Dr. Schott said the aphorism, attributed to a medieval Catholic monk, was fitting when considering the totality of federal rules and regulations imposed on physicians. In the push to modernize practices through health information technology and new care models, physicians feel as if burdensome rules instead are pushing their practices back to the Dark Ages.

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Infographic: The Cost of Bad Location Data | The Yext Blog

Infographic: The Cost of Bad Location Data | The Yext Blog | Doctor Data |
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Best Times to Post on Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC] | Social Media Today

Best Times to Post on Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC] | Social Media Today | Doctor Data |
Social media is 24/7. Someone is always tweeting, posting on Facebook, or uploading a new picture to instagram. However, for social media managers and businesses alike, this can be quite of a challenge.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:
Facebook – between 10 am and 4pm Monday thru Thursday.Twitter – between 1pm and 3pm Monday thru Thursday.LinkedIn – focus on posting before and after business hours, 7 am to 9 am and 5pm to 6pm Tuesday thru Thursday.Google+ – 9am to 11am on workdays.Pinterest – This is the one social network you should focus on posting during weekday evenings and on the weekends. specifically 2pm to 4pm and 8pm to 1am on weekdays. The best time to pin items on Pinterest is on Saturday morning.
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When the Doctor Is Overweight

When the Doctor Is Overweight | Doctor Data |
Patients see overweight doctors as less credible than “normal weight” doctors, a new study by Yale University researchers found.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

“How do we deliver a message that may be seen as hypocritical? I don’t know the answer,” Dr. Ramachandran said. “But doctors are human beings first and scientists second. We are subject to the same maladies as the rest of society. It’s an incredibly difficult problem, and a challenge.”

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Better Business |

Better Business | | Doctor Data |
67% of consumers state they are inclined to spend more money with a company that provides top-notch customer service, and 75% of consumers are willing
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

What constitutes top-notch customers service in a physician practice? We must start with training for physicians in customer service and how to provide it efficiently while still providing top-quality medical care.

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Size Does Matter: Study Shows Women Judge Male Attractiveness by Penis Size |

Size Does Matter: Study Shows Women Judge Male Attractiveness by Penis Size | | Doctor Data |
Call it sexist or sensationalist, but now science suggests it's so: women find men with bigger penises more attractive.
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

Did we really need a study to prove this?

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“You would have to be brain dead not to start a business”

“You would have to be brain dead not to start a business” | Doctor Data |
Dr Veronica Anderson's insight:

There is only  two ways to save on taxes…1.) don’t make any money or 2.) start your own business  

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