The Must-Have Habitudes of Effective 21st Century Leaders | business analyst |

The conversation around must-have, 21st century leadership skills has been in full swing for years. From business to education; classroom to community...

Although it’s almost certain we will never all agree to a singular list of skills, strategies, and competencies leaders must embody for success now and in the future, we do know what effectively operating and leading in a fluid, dynamic and every changing 21st Century world requires:

  • The ability to see the challenge and the solution, from every angle
  • The ability know what questions to ask and when to ask them
  • The ability to communicate one’s vision passionately and persuasively
  • The ability to connect with others and create an enduring relationship
  • The ability to understand your strengths and the discipline to improve your weaknesses
  • The ability to dream, set audacious goals, and believe they can be accomplished
  • The ability to stand out, stand up, and stand beside and knowing when each is required
  • The ability to lead, serve and honor others.

Via Gust MEES