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Game Of Threats de PwC : un Serious Game de sensibilisation aux problématiques de cybersécurité

Game Of Threats de PwC :  un Serious Game de sensibilisation aux problématiques de cybersécurité | Education & Numérique |
un Serious Game dont le nom est Games Of Threats dont l’objectif est de sensibiliser les directions générales aux problématiques de cybersécurité

Via Yasmine Kasbi
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Les fiches pratiques du CECIL pour réduire les risques liés à la surveillance

Les fiches pratiques du CECIL pour réduire les risques liés à la surveillance | Education & Numérique |

"Les multiples révélations d’Edward Snowden concernant les dérives des programmes de surveillance de la NSA ont bien montré que les États-Unis et leurs alliés (mais ce ne sont malheureusement pas les seuls) écoutent et traitent massivement les informations de gouvernements étrangers, d’entreprises et de citoyens (majoritairement non américains) souvent par l’intermédiaire de compagnies telles que Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, AOL, Apple… En plus de cette surveillance étatique, un utilisateur peut aussi être la cible d’entreprises commerciales et de pirates informatiques mal intentionnés. Conformément à son objet social de protection des individus face aux risques de l’informatique, le CECIL vous propose un recueil de fiches pratiques pour découvrir, pas à pas, des outils visant à mieux maitriser les informations exposées, protéger la vie privée et les libertés fondamentales. Il ne s’agit pas ici d’être exhaustif, mais de faire (re)découvrir au citoyen inquiet, quoique peu connaisseur, une sélection de techniques de base. À la fin de chaque fiche, des références complémentaires sont indiquées. Ces fiches proposent l’utilisation de logiciels respectueux de la vie privée, en complément de bonnes pratiques..."

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How To Test Your Home Network Security With Free Hacking Tools

How To Test Your Home Network Security With Free Hacking Tools | Education & Numérique |

"If you’ve ever been the victim of a burglary, the chances are you were at least partially responsible. It might be hard to admit, but an open window, an unlocked door, or an expensive item left alluringly are the most frequent reasons for home break-ins. While you can never be 100 percent certain of preventing a robbery, some basic precautions can significantly reduce your chances, as would-be thieves move on to easier targets.

The same principles apply to home network security. Sadly, almost no systems are entirely “hack proof” – but browser security tests, server safety measures, and network safeguards can make your set-up much more robust.

Using some free tools, you can quickly and easily identify which areas are your “weak spots”, thus giving yourself a chance to remedy them before a serious breach occurs..."

Terheck's insight:

Wanna know if your home network is safe ? Here are some tools to check if you're safe or not.

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Feds Say That Banned Researcher Commandeered a Plane | WIRED

Feds Say That Banned Researcher Commandeered a Plane | WIRED | Education & Numérique |
A security researcher who was kicked off a United Airlines flight last month after tweeting a reference to its security vulnerabilities had previously taken control of an airplane mid-flight.
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Many connected-home devices lack robust security features, security firm claims

Many connected-home devices lack robust security features, security firm claims | Education & Numérique |
Veracode warns that many connected-home devices lack basic security features, leaving consumers wide open to sophisticated thieves.
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Viruses, Spyware, Malware, etc. Explained: Understanding Online Threats

Viruses, Spyware, Malware, etc. Explained: Understanding Online Threats | Education & Numérique |

"When you start to think about all the things that could go wrong when browsing the Internet, the web starts to look like a pretty scary place. Luckily, Internet users as a whole are getting far more savvy, and better at recognizing risky online behavior.

While pages with a dozen download buttons – or auto-checked boxes that tricked us into downloading things we didn’t want – are no longer quite as effective as they once were, that doesn’t mean there aren’t hackers out there right now trying to come up with new methods of deception. In order to protect ourselves from these threats it’s important to understand just what they are, and how they differ..."

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The Great SIM Heist: How Spies Stole the Keys to the Encryption Castle

The Great SIM Heist: How Spies Stole the Keys to the Encryption Castle | Education & Numérique |

"AMERICAN AND BRITISH spies hacked into the internal computer network of the largest manufacturer of SIM cards in the world, stealing encryption keys used to protect the privacy of cellphone communications across the globe, according to top-secret documents provided to The Intercept by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden.

The hack was perpetrated by a joint unit consisting of operatives from the NSA and its British counterpart Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ. The breach, detailed in a secret 2010 GCHQ document, gave the surveillance agencies the potential to secretly monitor a large portion of the world’s cellular communications, including both voice and data.

The company targeted by the intelligence agencies, Gemalto, is a multinational firm incorporated in the Netherlands that makes the chips used in mobile phones and next-generation credit cards.  (...)"

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Avoiding Internet Surveillance: The Complete Guide

Avoiding Internet Surveillance: The Complete Guide | Education & Numérique |

"Internet surveillance has been a hot topic in recent years—we’ve talked about it extensively here at MakeUseOf, it’s been brought up on major news outlets daily, and we’ve seen a slew of new apps, extensions, and products aimed at helping you retain your privacy online.

This article is meant to be as comprehensive a resource as possible on avoiding Internet surveillance. We’ll talk about why Internet surveillance is such a big deal, who’s behind it, whether or not you can completely avoid it, and a wide range of tools that will make you harder to track, identify, and spy on..."

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Hacker Lexicon: What Is Homomorphic Encryption? | WIRED

Hacker Lexicon: What Is Homomorphic Encryption? | WIRED | Education & Numérique |

"The problem with encrypting data is that sooner or later, you have to decrypt it. Keep your cloud files cryptographically scrambled using a secret key that only you possess, and it’s likely no hacker will have the codebreaking resources necessary to crack them. But as soon as you want to actually do something with those files—anything from editing a word document or querying a database of financial data—you have to unlock the data and leave it vulnerable. Homomorphic encryption, a still-mostly-theoretical advancement in the science of keeping secrets, could change that (...)"

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Surveillance Self-Defense: A guide to protect yourself from surveillance, by EFF

Surveillance Self-Defense: A guide to protect yourself from surveillance, by EFF | Education & Numérique |
Tips, Tools and How-tos for Safer Online Communications


EFF announce the relaunch of Surveillance Self-Defense, their guide to defending yourself and your friends from digital surveillance by using encryption tools and developing appropriate privacy and security practices. These resources are intended to inspire better-informed conversations and decision-making about digital security and privacy. The site is available today in English, Arabic, and Spanish, with more languages coming soon.

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Edward Snowden interviewed by Lawrence Lessig

Edward Snowden interviewed by Lawrence Lessig | Education & Numérique |
It's a fascinating, hour-long session in which Snowden articulates the case for blowing the whistle, the structural problems that created mass surveillance, and why it's not sufficient to stop the state from using our data -- we should also limit their ability to collect it. The Slashdot post by The Real Hocus Locus provides good timecode-based links into different parts of the talk.
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Edward Snowden’s Privacy Tips: “Get Rid Of Dropbox,” Avoid Facebook And Google | TechCrunch

Edward Snowden’s Privacy Tips: “Get Rid Of Dropbox,” Avoid Facebook And Google | TechCrunch | Education & Numérique |
According to Edward Snowden, people who care about their privacy should stay away from popular consumer Internet services like Dropbox, Facebook, and Google...
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Protéger efficacement son compte Google avec un mot de passe pour chaque appli et chaque appareil

Protéger efficacement son compte Google avec un mot de passe pour chaque appli et chaque appareil | Education & Numérique |

S'ils mettent la main sur vos identifiants de Google, les hackers ont potentiellement accès à tous les services et à tous les dispositifs que vous utilisez. En définissant des mots de passe spécifiques pour chaque application ou pour chacun de vos dispositifs, vous pourrez ériger une barrière de protection supplémentaire.

Comme mesure de protection additionnelle, Google propose la validation en deux étapes: outre le mot de passe, vous devrez également renseigner un code que vous recevrez par message de texte (SMS). Toutefois, ces codes ne fonctionnent pas avec toutes les applications et tous les dispositifs. Dans ce cas-là, vous devrez recourir à des mots de passe spécifiques pour chaque application.

Les mots de passe pour les applications sont particulièrement pratiques, parce qu'ils peuvent être rappelés en cas d'urgence également à partir du compte Google. Google se déconnecte automatiquement de l'application correspondante. De cette manière, vous êtes en sécurité également en cas de vol ou de perte, même à distance.

Ci-dessous, nous vous proposons notre guide pour la création de mots de passe destinés aux applications.

Pierre-André Fontaine's curator insight, October 1, 2014 1:51 AM

ajouter votre point de vue ...

CDI Brossette's curator insight, October 9, 2014 5:06 AM

sécurité informatique, protection des données personnelles goole

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Safer Internet Day : 9 février 2016

Safer Internet Day : 9 février 2016 | Education & Numérique |

"La Journée Mondiale pour un Internet plus sûr « Agir pour un meilleur Internet » organisée par Insafe de la Commission européenne se déroulera le 9 février 2016. Cette année, l’accent est mis sur l’initiation au code informatique et la création de contenus numériques par les jeunes.
Chaque année le Safer Internet day, (SID) évènement mondial, donne le coup d’envoi de manifestations - ateliers, formations - destinées à promouvoir une utilisation plus sûre et plus responsable de l’Internet chez les jeunes - qui se dérouleront pendant tout le mois..."

Terheck's insight:

Pour préparer le Safer Internet Day, le site docpourdocs propose de nombreux liens vers d'intéressantes ressources.

A regarder pour préparer quelques séances à cette occasion.

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When the Government Comes Knocking, Which Companies Have Your Back?

When the Government Comes Knocking, Which Companies Have Your Back? | Education & Numérique |

EFF has released its newest report charting which companies promise to uphold best practices in privacy and transparency. The report analyzes the published policies of 24 major technology companies, including Facebook, Google, Twitter, and ISPs like AT&T and Comcast. While we've released this report for four years, this year we made the criteria more challenging to reflect the higher standards we've come to expect from technology companies.

In this year's Who Has Your Back, nine companies earned stars in every category available to them: Adobe, Apple, CREDO, Dropbox, Sonic, Wickr, Wikimedia,, and Yahoo. Three companies scored especially poorly: AT&T, Verizon, and WhatsApp.

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What Every Librarian Needs to Know About HTTPS

What Every Librarian Needs to Know About HTTPS | Education & Numérique |
Librarians have long understood that to provide access to knowledge it is crucial to protect their patrons' privacy. Books can provide information that is deeply unpopular. As a result, local communities and governments sometimes try to ban the most objectionable ones. Librarians rightly see it as their duty to preserve access to books, especially banned ones. In the US this defense of expression is an integral part of our First Amendment rights.
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House approves controversial cybersecurity bill - CNET

House approves controversial cybersecurity bill - CNET | Education & Numérique |

"The House of Representatives passed bipartisan legislation on Wednesday designed to help companies and the federal government better defend against the growing threat of cyberattacks, despite opposition from privacy advocates.

Passed by a 307-116 vote, the controversial Protecting Cyber Networks Act encourages US companies to share information about security breaches with the federal government by providing them with expanded legal liability protections. Prompted in part by a recent uptick in high-profile data breaches, the legislation would allow companies to share information through a "cyber portal" administered by the Department of Homeland Security..."

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Online Safety: A Teacher’s Guide to Dealing with Cyberbullying, Sexting, and Student Privacy

Online Safety: A Teacher’s Guide to Dealing with Cyberbullying, Sexting, and Student Privacy | Education & Numérique |

"Social media and text messages have blurred the lines between students’ school lives and private lives. While most schools take clear steps to protect students at school, more schools are beginning to consider the need to set policies that apply to students’ activities outside of school."

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Hackers threaten phone in your pocket, experts warn

Hackers threaten phone in your pocket, experts warn | Education & Numérique |
The boom in smartphones among often careless users has made happy hunting for hackers, whose virus attacks and hijacking of unprotected mobiles are multiplying, experts warn.
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Protéger son site Internet des cyberattaques

Protéger son site Internet des cyberattaques | Education & Numérique |

"L’actualité récente a entrainé un accroissement significatif du nombre d’attaques informatiques visant des sites Internet français. La très grande majorité de ces attaques sont des défigurations de sites Internet* (ou défacement), ou des dénis de service* (DDoS) qui exploitent les failles de sécurité de sites vulnérables.

L’ANSSI rappelle qu’il est possible de se prémunir de ces types d’attaques en appliquant les bonnes pratiques présentées dans les fiches qu’elles a préparées à cet effet disponibles ci-dessous : une fiche destinée à tout internaute et une fiche destinée aux administrateurs de site Internet..."

Terheck's insight:

2 fiches intéressantes publiées par l'ANSSI sur les bonnes pratiques à appliquer pour protéger son site internet des cyberattaques

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Secure Email and Cloud Alternatives to Gmail and Dropbox

Secure Email and Cloud Alternatives to Gmail and Dropbox | Education & Numérique |
Users are increasingly turning to services that claim to be secure from the prying eyes of the NSA and law enforcement. In this article, we take a look at some of the privacy-focused email and cloud storage services that have either sprung up or gained popularity in the wake of what's popularly been referred to as the Summer of Snowden. Secure Email and Cloud Alternatives to Gmail and Dropbox.
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Snowden's Motivation: What the Internet Was Like Before It Was Being Watched, and How We Can Get There Again

Snowden's Motivation: What the Internet Was Like Before It Was Being Watched, and How We Can Get There Again | Education & Numérique |
Laura Poitras’ riveting new documentary about mass surveillance gives an intimate look into the motivations that guided Edward Snowden, who sacrificed his career and risked his freedom to expose mass surveillance by the NSA. CITIZENFOUR, which debuts on Friday, has many scenes that explore the depths of government surveillance gone awry and the high-tension unfolding of Snowden’s rendezvous with journalists in Hong Kong.
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Cybersécurité, le maillon faible reste le collaborateur interne de l'entreprise - Le Monde Informatique

Cybersécurité, le maillon faible reste le collaborateur interne de l'entreprise - Le Monde Informatique | Education & Numérique |

"Selon une récente étude pilotée par Cisco, le maillon faible de la cybersécurité est bien le collaborateur interne de l'entreprise, particulièrement en France.

52% des 12 000 salariés interrogés par Cisco sur la zone Europe/Moyen-Orient/Afrique/Russie pensent que l'attitude des collaborateurs est une menace pour la cybersécurité de leur entreprise. Sur les 1000 répondants en France, ce chiffre tombe à 40%..."

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Cyber Security: Not Just a Technical Challenge Anymore

Cyber Security: Not Just a Technical Challenge Anymore | Education & Numérique |

"News on mass and major data breaches is becoming more and more frequent, and these sometimes-daily reports have somehow surprisingly lost on us the huge reach and effects they represent. Society seems to have become numb to this issue. Many believe that there is nothing that can be done about these situations. Some think we are beyond the point of ever securing the current cyberspace and digital infrastructure..."

Via Joao Brogueira, juandoming
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Apple knew of iCloud security hole 6 months before Celebgate

Apple knew of iCloud security hole 6 months before Celebgate | Education & Numérique |
A security research reported the bug in iCloud's security to Apple back in March.
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