212 Careers
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onto 212 Careers

The Best Careers for Your Personality Type

The Best Careers for Your Personality Type | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
Infographic that shows what job positions suit your personality the best.
James Schreier's insight:

This is an interesting chart.  Would be particularly useful if it was combined with an assessment, e.g., MBTI Intensive, and COACHING to make sure the information is understood.  It is definitely not as simple as it's presented.

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212 Careers
Interviewing, Resumes, and Career Information -- 1 Degree Better
Curated by James Schreier
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Scooped by James Schreier

Assessment | Interviewing | Emotional Intelligence

Assessment | Interviewing | Emotional Intelligence | 212 Careers | Scoop.it

212-Careers is a website (and this Scoop.It topic) dedicated to important, sometimes unusual, and more "strongly worded" career advice.  Follow the topic on Scoop.It and visit the website for the "better" information from the sea of career advice.  212-Careers - One Degree Better!  "Emotional Intelligence" will be a featured topic (tagged) in this topic.  212-Careers also serves as the "depot" for our Leadership and Career Coaching!

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ESL Job Interview Questions

Are you hoping to get hired as an ESL teacher or specialist? Take a look at the questions compiled below from colleagues and experienced ESL teachers that have been in your shoes.  Hopefully, these...
Mc Donald's curator insight, June 4, 11:49 PM


Stoned Amanita Muscaria Chocolate Bar: A Unique Edible Experience

Introduction to Stoned Amanita Muscaria Chocolate Bar

Discover a new frontier in the world of edibles with Stoned Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Chocolate. This innovative product blends the rich, indulgent taste of premium chocolate with the distinctive properties of Amanita muscaria mushrooms. Whether you're a chocolate enthusiast or an adventurous foodie, Stoned Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Chocolate offers an exciting and unique experience.

What is Amanita Muscaria?

Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric, is a mushroom easily recognizable by its vibrant red cap adorned with white spots. It holds a significant place in folklore and traditional medicine, particularly in Siberian and Scandinavian cultures. Unlike other mushrooms, Amanita muscaria is prepared and processed to ensure safety and enhance its beneficial properties, making it a perfect ingredient for innovative edibles like Stoned Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Chocolate.

Why Choose Stoned Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Chocolate?

  1. Premium Quality: Made with high-quality cocoa and carefully sourced Amanita muscaria extract, this chocolate ensures a superior taste and experience.
  2. Unique Blend: Combining the rich flavor of gourmet chocolate with the distinctive qualities of Amanita muscaria creates a product that is both delicious and intriguing.
  3. Safe and Tested: The mushrooms used in Stoned Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Chocolate undergo rigorous testing to ensure safety and potency, providing a reliable and enjoyable edible experience.

Ingredients and Nutritional Information

The Stoned Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Chocolate is crafted from the following high-quality ingredients:

  • Premium cocoa mass
  • Cocoa butter
  • Cane sugar
  • Amanita muscaria extract
  • Natural vanilla

Nutritional Information (per serving):

  • Calories: 210
  • Total Fat: 13g
  • Saturated Fat: 7g
  • Sugars: 14g
  • Protein: 2g

Benefits of Amanita Muscaria Mushrooms

Amanita muscaria mushrooms are known for their unique properties and potential benefits:

  1. Relaxation: The compounds in Amanita muscaria may promote relaxation and reduce stress, making it a great choice for unwinding.
  2. Mood Enhancement: Users often report an improved mood and a sense of well-being after consumption.
  3. Cognitive Support: Some studies suggest that these mushrooms might support cognitive function, enhancing memory and focus.

How to Enjoy Stoned Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Chocolate

  1. Start with a Small Piece: If you’re new to Amanita muscaria products, start with a small piece to gauge your body's reaction.
  2. Savor the Flavor: Let the chocolate melt in your mouth to fully enjoy the rich and complex flavors combined with the unique properties of the mushroom.
  3. Pairing Suggestions: Enjoy the chocolate with your favorite wine, coffee, or tea for an enhanced experience.

Safety and Dosage

Each piece of Stoned Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Chocolate is dosed to provide a balanced and enjoyable experience. It’s important to follow the recommended serving size and be mindful of your body’s response. If you are new to Amanita muscaria products, consult with a healthcare professional before consumption.

Why Choose Stoned?

  • Ethically Sourced Ingredients: We prioritize sustainable and ethical sourcing for both our cocoa and mushrooms.
  • No Artificial Additives: Our chocolate is free from artificial flavors, preservatives, and additives, ensuring a pure and natural experience.
  • Elegant Packaging: Each bar is beautifully packaged, making it a perfect gift for those seeking a unique and luxurious treat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar?
A: A stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar is a chocolate bar infused with Amanita muscaria mushrooms, known for their psychoactive properties.

Q: How is a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar made?
A: A stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar is typically made by infusing Amanita muscaria mushrooms into the chocolate during the manufacturing process.

Q: What are the effects of consuming a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar?
A: Consuming a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar can result in hallucinations, altered perception, and feelings of euphoria or sedation.

Q: Is it legal to sell or consume stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bars?
A: The legality of selling or consuming stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bars varies by location, so it is important to research local laws before purchasing or consuming.

Q: Are there any risks associated with consuming a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar?
A: Yes, consuming a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar can be risky as it contains psychoactive compounds that can cause adverse effects if not consumed responsibly.

Q: How should a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar be consumed?
A: It is recommended to consume a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar in moderation and in a safe environment to minimize risks and ensure a positive experience.

Q: Can consuming a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar lead to addiction?
A: There is limited research on the addictive potential of stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bars, but like other psychoactive substances, they should be consumed with caution.

Q: What precautions should be taken when consuming a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar?
A: It is important to follow dosage recommendations, be aware of potential interactions with other substances, and have a trusted individual present when consuming.

Q: Are there any known benefits of consuming a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar?
A: Some individuals report spiritual or introspective experiences when consuming stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bars, but these effects can vary greatly among users.

Q: Can a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar be used for medicinal purposes?
A: Some cultures have used Amanita muscaria mushrooms for medicinal purposes, but the use of stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bars for medicinal reasons is not widely accepted.

Q: Are there any specific guidelines for safe consumption of a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar?
A: It is important to start with a low dose, wait for the effects to fully kick in before consuming more, and have a sober individual present for support.

Q: Can a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar be consumed by individuals with certain medical conditions?
A: Individuals with medical conditions or taking medications should consult with a healthcare professional before consuming a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar due to potential interactions.

Q: How does the taste of a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar compare to regular chocolate?
A: The taste of a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar can vary depending on the quality of the mushrooms used and the chocolate recipe, but it may have an earthy or bitter flavor.

Q: Are there any cultural or historical references to consuming Amanita muscaria mushrooms in chocolate form?
A: While traditional uses of Amanita muscaria mushrooms may involve other preparations, incorporating them into chocolate could be a modern interpretation of their use.

Q: How does the combination of chocolate and Amanita muscaria enhance the overall experience?

A: The combination of chocolate's rich flavor and the psychoactive effects of Amanita muscaria mushrooms can create a unique sensory experie

Q: Can individuals experience negative effects from consuming too much of a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar?
A: Yes, consuming too much of a stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bar can lead to intensified hallucinations, nausea, vomiting, and other adverse effects.

Q: Are there any specific storage requirements for stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bars?
A: Stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bars should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain their quality and potency.

Q: How can consumers ensure they are purchasing high-quality stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bars?
A: Consumers should look for reputable vendors who source high-quality ingredients and follow proper manufacturing practices to ensure the safety and efficacy of the product.

Q: Are there any recommended resources for further information on stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bars?
A: Consumers can consult with knowledgeable sources, such as reputable websites, books on psychedelic mushrooms, or experienced individuals, for more information on stoned Amanita muscaria chocolate bars.

Understanding the Benefits of Mushroom Chocolate Dose

Are you curious about the benefits of mushroom chocolate dose? This unique combination of mushrooms and chocolate offers a delicious and convenient way to experience the potential health benefits of medicinal mushrooms.

Mushroom chocolate dose is a popular choice for those looking to incorporate the benefits of mushrooms into their daily routine. The combination of chocolate and mushrooms not only provides a tasty treat but also offers a convenient way to consume the beneficial compounds found in mushrooms.

Mushroom Bars

Mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional medicine for their potential health benefits. From immune support to cognitive function, mushrooms are known for their diverse range of potential benefits. When combined with chocolate, these benefits become even more accessible and enjoyable.

One of the key benefits of mushroom chocolate dose is its potential to support overall well-being. The combination of mushrooms and chocolate can provide a natural energy boost, support immune function, and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. Additionally, the antioxidants found in chocolate may complement the potential health benefits of mushrooms, creating a powerful combination for overall wellness.

Stoned Amanita Muscaria Chocolate Review

When it comes to choosing a mushroom chocolate dose, it's important to consider the quality and dosage of the ingredients. Look for products that use high-quality mushrooms and responsibly sourced chocolate. Additionally, pay attention to the dosage of mushrooms in each serving to ensure you are getting the desired benefits.

mushroom chocolate dose offers a convenient and enjoyable way to experience the potential health benefits of mushrooms. Whether you're looking to support your overall well-being or simply enjoy a delicious treat, mushroom chocolate dose may be worth considering as part of your daily routine. With its potential to support immune function, provide natural energy, and promote relaxation, mushroom chocolate dose is a unique option for those seeking a tasty and beneficial supplement.


Stoned Amanita Muscaria Chocolate offers a unique fusion of premium chocolate and the intriguing properties of Amanita muscaria mushrooms. Whether you're looking to elevate your chocolate experience or explore new edible frontiers, this product provides a safe, enjoyable, and delicious option. Discover the unique blend of flavors and benefits by trying Stoned Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Chocolate today.

For more information and to purchase, visit our official website. Indulge in the magic and savor the experience!






































































































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acquisitionhelpweb's comment, Today, 1:42 AM
Scooped by James Schreier

Teammate Keeps Taking Credit for Your Ideas? Ask Madeleine

Teammate Keeps Taking Credit for Your Ideas? Ask Madeleine | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
Dear Madeleine, I was lucky to land an incredibly cool job right out of school. I am in digital marketing and work on a team that supports influencers and artists, each with their own defined brand profiles. As a team, we are constantly sharing ideas, brainstorming, and coming up with creative new angles to suggest…
acquisitionhelpweb's comment, Today, 1:43 AM
Scooped by James Schreier

Communicating Your Skills On The Job Hunt: Four Ways To Stand Out

Communicating Your Skills On The Job Hunt: Four Ways To Stand Out | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
Here are four key ways to stand out in today's job market.
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Scooped by James Schreier

Job seekers and hiring managers depend on AI — at what cost to truth and fairness? –

Job seekers and hiring managers depend on AI — at what cost to truth and fairness? – | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
AI has come to the rescue for both employers seeking employee and workers seeking employment, automating many laborious tasks. But for employers and those seeking employment alike, there are risks to handing off your job or talent search to a digital assistant.
James Schreier's insight:

Important, obviously timely, discussion!

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Scooped by James Schreier

The Many Faces of Benjamin Franklin: A Masterclass in Versatile Leadership

Versatile leadership involves the ability to adapt communication as per the needs of others.
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Scooped by James Schreier

How to achieve sustainable success

How to achieve sustainable success | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
Discover strategies for achieving long-term, sustainable success.
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Scooped by James Schreier

Transforming Leadership: The Power of Experiential Intelligence in Development Innovation

Transforming Leadership: The Power of Experiential Intelligence in Development Innovation | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
Elevate leadership with experiential intelligence. Essential strategies for impactful development.
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Scooped by James Schreier

Interview Stories For Career Advancement

Interview Stories For Career Advancement | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
Let’s explore some common hurdles for purposeful story creation for an interview and some practical strategies to overcome them.
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Emotional Intelligence - 9 Questiions

Emotional Intelligence - 9 Questiions | 212 Careers | Scoop.it


James Schreier's insight:

LinkedIn is a source of many Emotional Intelligence insights.

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Which comes first – the hard or the soft skills?

Which comes first – the hard or the soft skills? | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
Which is better, hard or soft skills? And how are modern employees leveraging skills to their advantage?
James Schreier's insight:

A question that keeps getting asked and answered, again and again and again.

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Scooped by James Schreier

Chart: Services No Longer Required: Which Jobs Are Most at Risk?

Chart: Services No Longer Required: Which Jobs Are Most at Risk? | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
This chart shows the occupations expected to see the largest drop in employment levels in the United States between 2022 and 2032.
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All the Tools You Need to Motivate You to Declutter

All the Tools You Need to Motivate You to Declutter | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
Before you start decluttering, you need all the tools for the job. Here are some of my favorites.
James Schreier's insight:

I posted a whole series of articles and tips on decluttering as a theme earlier this year.  Here's a good reminder!

davido poppi's curator insight, May 13, 10:40 AM
Didier & Frank Sweet Dark 50% Dark Chocolate offers several health benefits that make it a guilt-free indulgence: 1. Rich in Antioxidants: Dark chocolate, including Didier & Frank Sweet Dark 50% Dark Chocolate, is packed with antioxidants. These powerful compounds help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals, which can contribute to chronic diseases and aging. 2. Cardiovascular Health: Consuming dark chocolate in moderation has been associated with improved cardiovascular health. The flavonoids found in dark chocolate may help lower blood pressure, improve blood flow, and reduce the risk of heart disease. 3. Mood Booster: Dark chocolate contains several mood-enhancing compounds, including phenylethylamine (PEA) and serotonin. These chemicals can stimulate the production of endorphins, which are natural mood-lifters, and promote a sense of happiness and well-being. 4. Brain Function: The flavonoids in dark chocolate may also have positive effects on brain function. Studies suggest that consuming dark chocolate can enhance cognitive performance, improve focus and attention, and even protect against age-related cognitive decline. 5. Mineral Content: Didier & Frank Sweet Dark 50% Dark Chocolate is a good source of minerals such as iron, magnesium, and copper. These minerals play essential roles in various bodily functions, including energy production, red blood cell formation, and maintaining a healthy immune system. 6. Skin Health: The antioxidants in dark chocolate can also benefit your skin. They help protect against oxidative stress, which can lead to premature aging and skin damage. Additionally, dark chocolate may improve skin hydration, elasticity, and overall appearance. Remember to enjoy Didier & Frank Sweet Dark 50% Dark Chocolate in moderation as part of a balanced diet. While it offers health benefits, it is still a calorie-dense food, so portion control is key. Incorporating a square or two of this delectable chocolate into your daily routine can provide a delightful and healthful treat.https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/buy-xite-thc-dark-chocolate-bar-online/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/buy-xite-thc-dark-chocolate-bar-online/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/dark-chocolate-bar-73/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/the-chocolate-bar-classic-70/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/thc-space-gods-chocolate-bars/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/thc-barracuda-milk-chocolate-bars/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/delta-thc-milk-chocolate-bar/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/willo-300mg-thc-milk-chocolate-covered-twix-indica/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/legend-cbd-raspberry-milk-chocolate/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/premium-35-milk-chocolate-salted-caramel-chocolate-bar/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/500mg-thc-milk-chocolate-by-pot-boss/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/500mg-thc-milk-chocolate-covered-cream-cookies/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/chowie-wowie-balanced-thc-milk-chocolate/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/delta-8-thc-gourmet-white-chocolate-bars/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/thc-chocolate-bar-bulkvana-wholesale/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/trailblazer-snax-mocha-milk-chocolate/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/chowie-wowie-soft-caramel-balanced-chocolate/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/my-blood-type-is-chocolate-thc-milk-chocolate/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/opulence-milk-chocolate-shatter-bars-sativa/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/green-roads-cbd-artisanal-dark-chocolate-bar/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/cookie-crunch-thc-chocolate-bar-limited-edition-500mg/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/thc-no-cap-d8-chocolate-bars/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/delta-8-thc-gourmet-white-chocolate-bars/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/delta-8-chocolate-bar-smilyn-wellness/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/thc-delta-8-milk-chocolate-bars-terpboys/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/delta-8-thc-dark-chocolate-bar-500mg/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/raspberry-ripples-thc-chocolate-bar/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/milk-chocolate-sativa-500mg-shatter-bar/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/dark-chocolate-bars-recreational-edibles/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/kudose-thc-chocolate-bars-kudose/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/thc-300mg-delta-8-dark-chocolate/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/heady-tree-delta-8-chocolate-bar-500mg/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/delta-9-dark-chocolate-1000mg-terpboys/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/maui-labs-delta-8-chocolate-bars-500mg/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/thc-milk-chocolate-mini-bar-gron-cannabis-edibles/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/faded-cannabis-co-thc-chocolate-bars-wholesale/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/thc-frannys-original-d9-milk-chocolate-bar/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/thc-revive-pure-life-chocolate-milk-bar/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/thc-extracts-chocolate-milk-series/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/thc-all-kind-dark-chocolate-bar-50mg/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/lol-edibles-chocolate-bar-g-bar-1000mg/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/delectable-milk-chocolate-thc-edibles-from-opulence-2/
Scooped by James Schreier

Employers say they plan to maintain or increase well-being benefits in coming years

Employers say they plan to maintain or increase well-being benefits in coming years | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
Roughly 6 in 10 employers said their well-being strategy is consistent globally, and 18% plan to develop one soon, according to a new survey.
James Schreier's insight:

Many employees, particularly in smaller organizations, need to actively pursue support for well-being.

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Scooped by James Schreier

Enabling new leaders by evolving your AI upskilling practices

Enabling new leaders by evolving your AI upskilling practices | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
Acknowledging AI’s role in your business evolution is just the beginning. Find out how can you can enable your employees with a reskilling plan.
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Scooped by James Schreier

Generative AI Has Arrived—What Does That Mean For Talent Leaders?

Generative AI Has Arrived—What Does That Mean For Talent Leaders? | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
Talent leaders can leverage generative AI technology to become more efficient and make better hiring decisions.
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Scooped by James Schreier

How to Choose Your Life Pursuits

How to Choose Your Life Pursuits | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
So, as you contemplate the grand question of your life—how should I spend my time?—energy should take center stage in your consideration.

I use an exercise I call Pursuit Mapping to identify the pursuits that are most likely to bring joy and outsized rewards into my life.
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Scooped by James Schreier

28 Ways to Say No Without Upsetting Them

Fortunately, there are ways to say no without coming across as lazy, unhelpful, ungrateful or -- god forbid -- the worst of mom's kids!
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Scooped by James Schreier

Preparing for Online Interviews: Here Are 5 Things You Should Check First

Preparing for Online Interviews: Here Are 5 Things You Should Check First | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
You'll be surprised how many things can go wrong during an online interview. Even though some companies are already mandating on-site or hybrid work, there are still countless remote jobs online where you can work from the comfort of your own home.
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Scooped by James Schreier

Seven Questions You Should Ask During A Job Interview

Seven Questions You Should Ask During A Job Interview | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
You’re scheduled for an interview with a company you really want to work with but have no idea what to expect. How do you leave a good impression on the interviewee? How do you make the person interview you know that you’re more than just interested in the job?
acquisitionhelpweb's comment, Today, 1:42 AM
Scooped by James Schreier

When it comes to career growth, who’s really got your back?

When it comes to career growth, who’s really got your back? | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
A new model for understanding support types in organizations.
James Schreier's insight:

This was just reposted from '22 -- good insights!

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Scooped by James Schreier

Six signs your career is stalling

Six signs your career is stalling | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
Here are six signs that your career is stalling, along with expert advice on how you can revitalize your career for long-term success.
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5 Ways To Empower People On Your Team To Succeed

5 Ways To Empower People On Your Team To Succeed | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
Unlock the secret to empowering your team for success with insightful strategies that transform leadership dynamics. Discover how personalized development plans, mentorship, autonomy, and removing barriers can unlock your team’s potential. Elevate your leadership and foster a thriving environment where every team member can excel.
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Scooped by James Schreier

Your Employee Retention Chain Is Broken—Here’s How To Fix It

Your Employee Retention Chain Is Broken—Here’s How To Fix It | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
There are five key aspects to a strong retention strategy that organizations must focus on to ensure the top talent sticks around.
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Entrepreneur insights and side-hustle secrets

Get insights on entrepreneurship, work-life balance, and more from Bala's Natalie Holloway.
acquisitionhelpweb's comment, Today, 1:42 AM
Scooped by James Schreier

The Only Two Times You Can Effectively Multitask

The Only Two Times You Can Effectively Multitask | 212 Careers | Scoop.it
Multitasking decreases the quality of your output. However, if you feel you have no choice, these are the best times to try to make it work.
James Schreier's insight:

A nice reminder of an important point!

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